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ECP Testimonials

Swami Premananda Puri

I am 70 years old. In 2004 I had bells palsy with left side facial droop. I had acupuncture done and my face returned back to normal. I am diabetic since the age of 50 years. I am hypertensive. I had sinus post nasal drip for the past 10 years. 3 years ago I started experiencing a burning sensation on both my feet.  I was fine until February 2016. Then during a trip to India I experienced shortness of breath after 1 week and lack of energy. I had loss of balance. This did not improve. I was admitted to a private hospital in May 2016 for 1 week. I was treated by a physician and cardiologist. An angiogram was done which showed all was clear. I was discharged and readmitted for vomiting the same day. An MRI confirmed TIA. I was in hospital for another 2 weeks where I got infected with the CRE virus. I lost 20kgs in these 3 weeks. I felt terrible and was not recovering. My doctor then recommended that I see Dr Mohanlall. My health has improved tremendously. Each day has been a new experience. I’m well energised and can now move about very comfortably. Firstly I commend Dr Mohanlall and staff for the wonderful manners and love. Most wonderful very hospitable and loving nature. Keep it up. God’s grace and blessings to you all. There is perfection already. Just continue. You have the grace.

Hafiza Khan

I am a 63 year old female who is diabetic from the age of 35 years. I have hypertension from 50 years old and experience reflux for the past 20 years. I use antacids and suffer from chronic constipation for the last 20 years. In May 2015 I experienced severe dyspnoea   at rest and saw a doctor at hospital who did an ECG and angiogram. The angiogram showed that I collateralized  and I was put on medication. I experienced tiredness and shortness of breath on mild to moderate exertion. I  kept seeing  doctors every six months for echo and ECG. In May 2016 I experienced severe shortness of breath and was hospitalized. During the  angiogram  the doctors had difficulty accessing the femoral arteries and they suggested a bypass surgery for me. I experienced joint pains and pains in the ankle, knees and back. I coughed a lot and had a tight chest. I slept a lot due to fatigue. Before starting ECP I had no quality of life. I could not even walk from my bedroom to the bathroom. After starting ECP I have a renewed lease of life. I feel healthier. I feel happy that I can do daily chores. I can now walk without my walking aid. External Counterpulsation treatment also helped give me an emotional motivation to live my life healthier by exercising and eating healthy .External Counterpulsation benefits are excellent. The staff is pleasant, professional and very supportive. Dr Mohanlall’s expertise impressed me. I am very thankful to Dr Mohanlall for his care and support during my treatment. Two options-for treatment-one with a guest house for accommodation and transport for patient out of Durban or a mobile satellite treatment.

Mr Vishnu Moodley

In 2008 had MI at home went to Umhlanga hospital stent inserted .Fine after that .In 2013 had 2nd MI at St Augustine hospital   angiogram and quadruple bypass .Fine since then left legs cramp and feels pins and needles. I feel more energetic and have comments from other people that I do not look tired anymore and run down as I used to look. The dark patches on the side of my eyes are also disappearing. I don’t suffer with pin and needles anymore. The staff at the centre is fantastic. They always greet me with a smile and have been courteous and friendly throughout the entire treatment .I felt very comfortable.

Mr Vikram Singh

I am a 60 year old male who has no background medical history. I was seen by a GP in 2015 who performed an ECG and noticed that I had ectopic heart beats (irregular heartbeats) during a routine examination. I was referred to a cardiologist. I have no family history of cardiac problems, high blood pressure or diabetes. An angiogram was performed on me in July 2015 at St Augustines hospital by a cardiologist. The results revealed triple vessels disease with arrhythmia. I was treated with medication. I managed 7 minutes using the Bruce protocol during stress testing. Feel full of energy. I do not feel stressed. Excellent customer service. Service of this nature should be rendered on Saturday. Doctor should approach air media and present this programme. This should also be for stress.

Mohan Harriganesh

I’m a 73 year old male who was fit until recently. I lost my small finger with a saw 4 years ago. I suffer from headaches daily after I was hospitalised. 1 week ago I had pains on my chest, back and I started sweating. I was taken to hospital at Ethekwani where I was stabilized with medication. I’m not on medical aid and therefore was taken to King George and was put on antithrombotic. I stayed in hospital for 6 days and was put on medication and was asked to return for a review. I started to feel chest pains last night but it subsided. Feeling very better after going throw a cause of ECP and have gained back my strength and energy. Have the best team reliable and pleasant. Perfect place to visit and talk to doctor and staff.      

 Pankajavelli Reddy

I am a 63 years old female who suffered from high blood pressure for 17 years and hyper cholesterol for 15 years. ECG was done in October 2015 and all was fine. I was experiencing shortness of breath on mild to moderate exertion (like walking or climbing up the stairs) and also experiencing pedal oedema during the course of the day. My feet were swelling all the time. My shoulders and knees were painful all the time. I was having difficulty losing weight.I have no swelling on my feet. I do not get tired. No shortness of breath. I lost 3kg. No more shoulder pains. My blood pressure is regulated. My knees much better now. Have more energy and feeling good Staff is helpful, knowledgeable and pleasant. Get on well with patients.

 Gopie Reddy

In December 2015 I had chest discomfort. I visited my GP and was transferred to Gateway Hospital. I was on IV antibiotic for 3 days. A lung function test was done on me with a pulmonologist and an echo test with a cardiologist. I had lost my sense of balance after being hospitalised. I had irregular sleep patterns and as swelling of my feet. The use of the neti pot as advised by Dr Mohanlall has assisted greatly with the post nasal drip. My sleep pattern improved slightly. I only sleep well when I’m very tired. The swelling of my feet has disappeared. My breathing has improved. I can run up hill with ease and no problem. Drop in insulin intake from 36 units to 25 units and now dropped insulin to 15 units in the morning. Excellent staff. Very dedicated to their work, not something one finds easily today. Very professional and very client friendly. Feel at ease with them. Run very professionally.


I started experiencing chest pains from the age of 19 years. It was a sharp pain that was just there for a minute. I consulted the doctor who sent me to a physician. He did not find anything. The pains were not that severe until the age of 35. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. My chest pains became so severe that I consulted with some cardiologist I was told that it was because of stress and tension and high blood pressure. I decided to go for External Counterpulsation. I am feeling much better than before. For the first two weeks of treatment I felt some chest pains but they were not as severe as before. By the third week I did not feel any chest pains and the blood pressure came down. I can also breathe more easily compared to before. Everyone is so amazing. They always wears their smile each and every day. They are so kind hearted. They are so humble and always welcome you with a smile. They are willing to help all the time. Everything is perfect.  

 Devarajan S Moodley

I’m a 61 year old male who was diagnosed with high blood pressure in 2000 and was treated with medication since then. In 2002 I experienced chest pains and visited a GP. A cardiologist from St Augustine’s performed an ECG, Echo and an angiogram on me. I suffer with shortness of breath. I get tired when I walk upstairs and I have pain under my feet as well as pains on my neck and back. My legs also pain even while I’m walking or running. I suffer with chest pains as well as irregular heartbeats and also numbness on both my palms.  I feel much lighter I can now bend to pick up objects without any pain. My back ache has improved drastically. My face skin tone is now brighter. The pain in my neck has improved and I now can walk up the stairs easily without any problem. No more shortness of breath and chest pain.  Very efficient staff always helpful and caring.

Vinay Devlall

I am a 53 year old who was diagnosed with diabetes from the age of 35 years. I was put on medication. I experience sleep apnoea and was on CPAP for a long time. For the past two years I experienced shortness of breath and numbness on the left arm. In 2015 I did an ECHO and stress test and the results came back fine. Now my shortness of breath is more severe. My breathing has improved and I have more energy than before. Feeling very good and can now climb up the stair case without a problem. Walked two flights of stairs and did not get shortness Good improvement. Feeling it easy to get up from the floor. I walked up seven flights of Stairs with no problem I managed well excellent service at the centre.       

Ahmed Saeed Chohan 


I’m a 70 year old male who had my first MI in 2001 at the age of 55 years. I felt pain on my back and both my arms. I was seen by a GP who diagnosed it to be cardiac related. I was referred for an ECG at Midlands Hospital who did the ECG and transferred me to Greys Hospital. A stress ECG and ECHO was done and then I was transported to Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital where an MRI and stress ECG was done on me. I was treated with medication. I experienced shortness of breath as well as phlegm in the lungs due to smoking. I experienced pain on both my knees, ankles and as well as my fingers. I used to get tired when climbing stairs. There is a big difference in me. I feel much better. I no more experience pains on my knee, shoulder, neck and hands. I do not get tired as compared to before and I no more experience shortness of breath. I’m now able to walk with no problems the staffs at the centre are very good.                                              

Ranjith Ramnarain

I am a 67 year old male who is a vegetarian. I’m a diabetic and hypertensive for the past 20 years and am being treated for high cholesterol for the past 7 years. I underwent my first angiogram in 2013 due to my shortness of breath. Results came back fine. I experienced chest pains when I was in South Coast on the 3 August at a religious meeting. I felt tightness on my chest for a short while. I was transferred to Umhlanga hospital where an angiogram was done by a cardiologist. Bypass surgery was recommended. I have swelling on both my legs pains on the joints on both my hands and also numbness and a burning sensation on both my feet for a number of years. I feel much better than before. I have about a 25%   improvement in my heart. Exemplary staff Very courteous and very kind  Also friendly. So far the treatment is excellent. I have no suggestions so far due to the good work provided.    

Mr Shaffiq Shaik

I had major heart attack in March 2015 I was admitted in Addington hospital cardiac Ward. I was stabilized and my condition improved I was in hospital for six days. I felt fine no problems for the next six months. I used to walk less than ten steps I had to stop sit and recover. Almost every night was a night marris experience. I use to roll on the floor with pain. My family used to watch helplessly as I suffered with pain. Staircase I use to avoid like the plague. On Wednesday the 21 October 2015 I experience crushing chest pains. Last week whenever I experienced chest pains I had to take a T&T tablet under my tongue within ten Minutes I felt relief the pains was occurring on a daily basis until today 29 October 2015.Today Is My first ECP treatment at Doctor Mohanlall rooms. I am now running up a flight of stairs. I run walk and exercise I also ride a large motorbike which weighs 600kg.This treatment is actually a miracle since I had lost hope that I would live. I am not being paid anything what so ever to write their statement, further more even if I were to be offered any money, I have no need for it. Just that someone else may benefit from my experience. I must Make mention that I was scheduled to undergo a triple bypass operation on 18 January 2016 I elected not to go. I am now normal as before my heart attack. In this day and age it is really difficult to fine sincere, respectful and polite staff member’s staff. I want to place a sincere appreciation for the professionalism, respect and treatment which has been offered to me by the staff. Actually, nothing keeps up the amazing work.


I am 82 years. I am asthmatic and diabetic for the last 22 years. Cardiac patient since 2009Have shortness of breath. I had angiogram done at ST Augustine’s hospital referred for surgery I refused to go for surgery and was treated with medication. Now treated by a doctor has polyps on nasal passage had surgery before. I do not want to have surgery again being hospitalized twice every year for the past 5 years with ill health. I have shortness of breath and angina. I have severe chest pains and shortness of breath since last week I use T&T spray. I experienced severe chest pains ECG was done suggested angiogram and stent I was referred for angiogram to be done on Monday. Retired family Doctor suggested 3Dimensional Vasculography based on daughter’s advice. Feeling much better. I am not having difficulty walking. Much improved breathing. I now have better quality of life. Staffs is excellent and very helpful. 


I am 67 years old. I suffer from arthritis on both hands and fingers and my toes are deformed. I am hypertensive since 45 years old. At 60 years I started experiencing chest discomfort. I visited a cardiologist who did a stress ECG and echo in hospital. I was diagnosed with angina. I was put on medication but was still symptomatic .In September 2015 I had an angiogram done at Pietermaritzburg hospital and was referred to another hospital for bypass surgery. However my family and I decided that I should do External Counterpulsation.  I suffer from syncope and cannot recall incidents. I had two falls a week before ECP. After ECP I feel my health has improved significantly. I can now walk longer distances without getting tired and without getting shortness of breath. I no longer take TNT’s. My appetite has vastly improved as well. I had a continuous pain on my left arm before ECP treatment. I no longer experience that pain.  The staff are extremely helpful, caring and obliging.

Mr RP Maharaj

I was suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes from 2010 and was treated with medication. In June 2015 while in Bali on vacation I injured my right hand and went for surgery and plate. I had an angiogram done in 2009. I experienced shortness of breath. I had chest pains occasionally and a lack of energy. I got tired easily. After doing the ECP treatment, I am much more energetic. I do not tire easily. I can now do increased distance on cycle and the treadmill without feeling tired or running out if breadth. According to my wife, my complexion has improved. My eyesight has also improved. Staff at the ECP centre are very friendly and extremely helpful. They make one feel at ease at all times

Mr V Chetty

20 years ago I went for an insurance test and I was diagnosed with a heart condition. I was treated by a cardiologist who put me on medication. I stopped taking the medication. Years later I collapsed in the gym while exercising. I had to be resuscitated and was transported to Umhlanga hospital where an angiogram was performed on me by a cardiologist. At the hospital I was advised to undergo bypass surgery which was performed two days after the angiogram. I started experiencing shortness of breath 2 months after surgery. I saw the cardiac surgeon once again who referred me to EThekwini hospital to see an Electrophysiologist who performed cardiac ablation on me twice.   After ablation (burning) there was not much improvement to my condition. I now suffer from shortness of breath on mild exertion and swelling on both my feet on a daily basis. After ECP treatment I have more energy and I am now able to cope better. I do not get tired. Shortness of breath is a big relief. Still wheezing but much better than before. Excellent staff. They also make great tea. My suggestion is to  get all medical aids to approve. 

Thron Marx

My heart used to hurt to the extent that I would need to take Angised (under my tongue) for relief. The same happened if I walked more than 50m or climbed more than 5 steps. I could not sleep at night as I awoke breathless every 2 minutes. I had no energy. I had frequent chest pains and pains in my left jaw. I had a very irregular heartbeat. I can walk 2km without any bad effects. I sleep well and I can get excited without pain and breathlessness. I do not get angina anymore. My vision has improved. My energy levels are high. My heart beat is quite regular. The staff are very professional. They are very caring and understanding of the patient’s needs. Dr Mohanlall is motivated with the care and treatment of his patients. He will explain endlessly until the patient understands all aspects of his treatment. The high standards would be difficult to improve.

Mr SP Naidoo

I underwent a coronary angiogram at St Anne’s hospital in Pietermaritzburg in July 2014. The cardiologist informed me that I had narrowing of my coronary arteries and that I required 3 stents to be inserted in the coronary arteries of my heart. I advised him that I would like to wait and make an informed decision on what I would like to do. I am currently experiencing shortness of breath on mild exertion such as having a bath or trying to walk 10-15 minutes with slight haste.  My sugar level was at 8 and I was on 26 units of insulin.   After ECP I feel very well and fit.  My sugar levels dropped from 7-8 to 4.5 or an average 5.5- 6.There is great improvement after the ECP. I can now walk an average 2km a day.   I used to experience shortness of breath and tiredness. I no longer experience so much short breath and tiredness. There is definitely an improvement in breathing.

Anonymous 199 

I started experiencing chest pains on the 06 May 2015 for the first time in my life. I started experiencing burning chest pains on my sternum and broke out into a sweat. The pain was intermittent and it lasted for the next few days. I visited a GP at a medical centre in Bluff who performed an ECG and bloods and reported that the cardiac enzyme test was positive. I was referred to St Augustine’s hospital and underwent a coronary angiogram that was done through my arm. The results of the angiogram revealed that three arteries were narrowed and the cardiologist suggested bypass surgery. I decided to do ECP treatment. I do not have any chest pains. The burning sensation underneath my feet subsided. I can climb up the stairs without having shortness of breath. My sugar levels have dropped from 17 to 10. My skin tone has lightened a lot. I feel very much better. The staff is very good.

Dawood Bayat

I am a 77 year old male who suffered with high blood pressure and high cholesterol for the past 10 years. I was experiencing pains on my left arms for the past 5 years which became more pronounced four months ago and I began to experience pain on the left side of my chest which ran down my left arm. I started experiencing shortness of breath while trying to perform simple tasks like walking or taking a bath. Two months ago the chest pains became severe and I was admitted at St Anne’s hospital in Pietermaritzburg. I underwent an angiogram which showed blocked and narrowed arteries. The cardiologist suggested rotobladding (drill out plaque) since I was too fragile for surgery. A second cardiologist was of the opinion that I should continue on medication. Before ECP I was breathless even after 10-15 steps. I had no appetite and could not sleep easily at night. However now, after ECP, I can walk comfortably at home. I have resumed work for half the day and I am able to eat four times a day. I sleep comfortably at night. I do not take any TNT’s which I used to take before the ECP treatment. I have received excellent service from Santosh, Shakun, Nishara and Dr Mohanlall from the moment I walked in till the end of treatment. They are always willing to accommodate my every wish while I was being treated. Everything is perfect at the ECP centre.

Mrs R Naidoo

One month before ECP I was hospitalized with numbness on my hands and face and my eyes felt heavy. I also experienced muscle weakness and fatigue. I stayed in hospital for 4 days and was treated with steroids, although no diagnosis was confirmed. My symptoms were revealed. I have had discolouration of skin on my face for which I was being treated by a dermatologist. I had feelings of pins and needles on both my legs. After ECP I have more energy. I am not getting tired like before ECP. No more pins and needles on both my legs. My sugar levels are more under control at 5. Red colour under both feet shows improved blood flow. From blood results and my previous medical history, Dr Mohanlall diagnosed me for the first time with myasthenia gravis which is an autoimmune neuromuscular disease. This was confirmed with a consulting GP. The staff are very helpful and friendly, assisting me at all times. I am truly grateful and may God bless them and keep them always.

Sathiprem Naidoo

I was diagnosed with coronary artery heart disease in 2000. After I underwent an angiogram it was then that 1 stent was inserted into an artery of my heart. I was fine for 2 years and I started experiencing symptoms of angina when I exerted myself. Another angiogram was performed and 2 more stents were inserted at Milpark hospital. I still experienced pain and shortness of breath after my 2nd angiogram. In 2012 I underwent External Counterpulsation  (ECP) due to swelling and pain in my left ankle and chest pains that radiated to my left arm. After 35 ECP sessions I was able to walk for a longer distance without experiencing shortness of breath or chest pains. I recently started experiencing shortness of breath and swelling of my left leg 3 years after ECP and decided to undergo more ECP sessions in 2015 since it benefited me before. My breathing has improved greatly and the excess water retention especially in my legs has been completely eliminated. The swelling on my left ankle has also decreased significantly. The staff at the centre are excellent and always willing to assist.

Mervin Dennis  

I am a non-smoker who trains regularly. In 2009 I experienced sharp pains on my chest at night after returning from the gym. I was admitted at St Augustine’s hospital where I was seen by a cardiologist. I underwent a coronary angiogram where one stent was inserted into the Left Anterior Descending artery. I was fine after that and underwent another angiogram in 2013 to see how the stent was and was told the stent was fine. I underwent 3DVG and the chelation in Hillcrest with a GP. I was fine until I underwent an incident of severe chest pains that lasted the night and felt as if I had a “pineapple stuck in my chest”. I decided to do ECP after I did another 3DVG that found a new culprit vessel. I do feel a lot more energetic. My chest feels a lot more relaxed and open. The centre is a professionally established institute with competent and courteous staff.

Kugesh Naidoo

I am relatively fit. However in the last few months I have experienced a bit of tiredness. After ECP I am feeling great. I am more alert and more energetic. I have clearer skin and my pressure has been lowered and more regulated. Overall complete improvement in fitness and health. Lost 3kg. Staff Very pleasant and extremely hospitable.


Keep doing what you are doing at present. It’s just a matter of time before many more people find out about the therapy.

Deshen Pillay

I first started experiencing pains on a Sunday afternoon after working for the day. The severity of the chest pains resulted in me being admitted to St Augustine hospital trauma unit. An angiogram was performed by the cardiologist and 2 stents were inserted into my coronary arteries of my heart. Since 2011 after the stents I was admitted in hospital after every 6 months or so with severe chest pains. Surprisingly my ECG was normal. In 2014 I underwent stress ECG and Echo and I was told by the cardiologist that everything was fine. One week later after being told I was fine I collapsed with severe pains while doing a delivery of my product at Chatsworth mall. I was rushed to St Augustine hospital where I underwent another angiogram and 1 more stent was inserted. One week later I once again experienced severe chest pains and the cardiologist performed another angiogram on me for the 3rd time in 3 years. I am a non-smoker who now experience chest pains on a regular basis. I feel much more energetic and have more stamina.  Overall I am much better. Staff very helpful. I would personally employ them as staff. All is perfect at the ECP centre.

Mr B R Singh

I am diabetic and have high blood pressure. Two weeks ago while on holiday in Switzerland I felt chest pain at 11pm after walking a lot. The pain was on my chest centrally and on my shoulders bilaterally as well as my jaws.  I took Voltaren tablets and had some relief. At 2:40 am four days later after I returned to Durban, I visited Mount Edgecombe hospital trauma unit after the pain reoccurred. Doctors did an ECG and bloods which was positive for Myocardial Infarction (heart attack). I was referred to Westville hospital to see a cardiologist. Blood tests were done again and it was suggested that I have an angiogram done. My son opted to do the 3-Dimensional Vasculography assessment. After starting ECP treatment I do not have any chest pains. I do not get any pains on my jaws. My pressure has improved. I do not have any pains and cramps on my legs. My skin tone is lighter. I have no more headaches. I thank God, Doctor Mohanlall and my son for everything. The best gift a child can give their parent if they suffering from heart problems is the ECP treatment.  I appreciate the staff taking good care of me. Everything is perfect at the ECP centre.

Amurthamma Moodley

I am diabetic and have high blood pressure. Two weeks ago while on holiday in Switzerland I felt chest pain at 11pm after walking a lot. The pain was on my chest centrally and on my shoulders bilaterally as well as my jaws.  I took Voltaren tablets and had some relief. At 2:40 am four days later after I returned to Durban, I visited Mount Edgecombe hospital trauma unit after the pain reoccurred. Doctors did an ECG and bloods which was positive for Myocardial Infarction (heart attack). I was referred to Westville hospital to see a cardiologist. Blood tests were done again and it was suggested that I have an angiogram done. My son opted to do the 3-Dimensional Vasculography assessment. After starting ECP treatment I do not have any chest pains. I do not get any pains on my jaws. My pressure has improved. I do not have any pains and cramps on my legs. My skin tone is lighter. I have no more headaches. I thank God, Doctor Mohanlall and my son for everything. The best gift a child can give their parent if they suffering from heart problems is the ECP treatment.  I appreciate the staff taking good care of me. Everything is perfect at the ECP centre.

Naresh Ramsahai 

Three years ago I started experiencing chest pains. ECG was done by a cardiologist at Newcastle Private Hospital. I was diagnosed with mild angina and an angiogram was suggested. I opted for Chelation and I was fine for three years. However the pain started again recently. I have been experiencing tightness on my chest area when resting. When I walk short distances I feel very tired. I felt the tiredness more when I got up from my sleep. Tightness in chest area eased a little. Skin tone improved. Have a lot of energy. My energy levels improved. l can now go through a full day without the need to nap to pull ‘up my energy levels. I did experience a bit of tightness in the chest after walking. However, I realized it was only after a certain medication was taken and then abstained from it. On completion of ECP I am feeling much better and do no experience chest pains anymore. The staff work in a very pleasant and professional manner and are always very helpful. Keep up the good work.

Jeevan Singh

I have been experiencing severe shortness of breath (SOB) on mild exertion for the past one month and now cannot perform simple tasks. I am a diabetic patient for the past 25 years and suffer with high blood pressure for the past 15 years. I saw a GP regarding my difficulty in breathing properly and was hospitalized at Entabeni hospital. An ECG and cardiac enzymes was done which came back with normal results. In June 2015, I started experiencing SOB again and was referred to a specialist at Mediclinic in Newcastle by my GP. I was then seen by a physician who had a chest x-ray and ECG done on me. I was treated with flu medication only, resulting in my left lung collapsing. My condition deteriorated severely in 4 days of hospitalisation resulting in me being referred to Mediclinic in Pietermaritzburg where I was seen by a cardiologist. An angiogram was performed on me revealing triple vessel disease. The cardiologist then suggested heart bypass surgery as a corrective procedure. My family and I decided not to accept the suggestion due to my frail condition and also that I have been notified that I am a high risk patient and a chronic diabetes and hypertensive patient. I started the External Counterpulsation Treatment. I feel good. I have more energy and I can now walk around my yard and in my garden. I’m now able to go to shopping malls and walk as well as push my grocery trolley around. My sleeping has improved at night. I no more experience shortness of breath. Those abnormal heart beats I used to experience is gone.  The staff at the centre is all caring and loving. They know exactly how to treat a patient.

Anash Naidoo

I am a 46 year old male. My problems date back to 2007 when I presented with chest pains for which I was seen by a cardiologist. I was referred to a surgeon for coronary artery surgery which I came through extremely well. I have been well ever since and have exercised regularly with a biokineticist and at home without any symptoms whatsoever. I was followed by another cardiologist on a regular basis. In 2012 I underwent further coronary angiography for symptoms of chest pain and was told that my coronary circulation was respectable and no further revascularization was required. In recent weeks I have experienced recurrent chest pains. These are not completely typical and describe as a combination of burning upper left chest wall discomfort as well as left central cramping chest pains with radiation to the arm which are reminiscent of but less severe than the pains that preceded my coronary artery surgery. My father died unexpectedly in his sleep at the age of 50 and a brother succumbed also at the age of 50 following complication of heart disease. With ECPI feel much more energetic and strong. ECP has increased my energy levels, my blood circulation and also assisted with my diabetic condition. ECP is an excellent program to go on. The staff is professional, friendly, well trained and well mannered.

Mr Dharam Maharaj

17 years ago I started experiencing chest pains and shortness of breath. I was referred to a government hospital in Natal known as Wentworth hospital. I was seen by a cardiologist who performed a coronary angiogram on me. They found a narrowed vessel and one stent was inserted into an artery of my heart. I was fine after the procedure and did not experience any symptoms until October 2014. From 2014 until now I experience a burning sensation on my chest on moderate exertion.  I was seen by a GP in Newcastle who referred me to a cardiologist in Mediclinic in Pietermaritzburg in August 2015. I underwent a 2nd angiogram that was performed radially through my hand.  The cardiologist studied the results and suggested that I undergo triple bypass surgery. I opted to reconsider and underwent 3 Dimensional Vasculography (3DVG) to give me an in depth overview of my cardiac function before I could make an informed decision on a course of treatment. I did ECP treatment. I feel much more energetic and I am now able to walk around without getting tired. There is no more burning on my chest while walking. I can now also walk up the stairs at full speed and I do not get tired. I do not have any more shortness of breath and no chest pains and burns. I suffered from stomach and lower back pains for a long time. After following Dr Mohanlall advise during ECP, these pains have finally subsided. The staff are caring, helpful and knowledgeable.

Subbiah Chetty Cardiac Patient

I used to suffer from chest pains & shortness of breath under stress. An angiogram revealed 2 constricted arteries and 1 that is blocked. Triple bypass surgery was recommended. Unfortunately I could not undergo owing to rare blood disorder. I therefore considered alternative therapy. After much research I decided to go for ECP.

After ECP I feel very energised. I can now do almost everything that I used to do prior to my heart attack. I no longer have any chest pains and shortness of breath. I am sure with the exercise regime provided I will improve the quality of my wellbeing further.

The staff are excellent, accommodating and professional. Dr Mohanlall is very knowledgeable and easy going. He has a wealth of experience in the industry, very reassuring.

I would suggest perhaps light instrumental background music. The ambience at the reception area has a very soothing effect upon arrival. I would recommend ECP to anyone else.

I fell very ill approximately 4 months ago and was referred by my GP to see a specialist Physician because of low heart beat. He did an ECG which reflected cardiac problems. I was sent for blood tests before the specialist could change my medication. On the evening of the very same day I was finding it difficult to breath and had chest pains. The doctor at the outpatient sprayed 2 puffs of pain relief under my tongue. He gave a letter for my son to rush me to hospital. At the hospital I had a chest x- ray and was given antibiotic and advised to take TNT whenever in pain. They did not want to admit me because I had stabilised 4 hours later after the tongue spray. I was taking about 6 TNT per day. I had severe headaches and hardly slept at night. I could not sleep flat on my back I had to use continental pillows to sit up in bed whenever I tried to sleep. My pressure escalated significantly and the pressure medication that I was taking did not reduce my pressure level. I felt week and was finding difficulty in walking. My son decided to research further to help me overcome my condition that was not improving. He referred me to visit Dr Mohanlall for ECP.During the ECP treatment the first few sessions did not seem to have any improvements. I think I was expecting improvements immediately. However Dr Mohanlall suggested I need to continue with the treatment to see the benefits. He was very dedicated and gave me full attention and understood my condition. He advised on medication twice during my treatment to adapt to my condition. After about the 12th treatment I could feel the improvement in my breathing and my chest pains reduced significantly. My pressure levels started to drop. Around the 20th treatment I was as normal again. No chest pains therefore any more TNT and breathing was not a problem again. I could walk easily. No more tiredness and sleeping easily without the use of continental pillows. No more severe headache and my pressure reduced to normal. I only take half a tablet in the morning. My life is as I was 4 months ago. I can cook and wash dishes and do house chores.

My blessing goes out to Dr Mohanlall and his team on ensuring my recovery. I will strongly recommend them to others that I will in contact. The staffs are excellent in caring and executing their tasks.

A Big thank you to Dr Mohanlall and team.

Mrs Leelawathie Bhawanideen

Cardiac Patient

Before ECP I had short breath, tiredness, extreme fatigue and chest pain (moderate). I had swollen ankles, hot and cold flushes, acute cramps, dry cough, slight wheeze and skin irritations.

After starting ECP, gradually most of the above symptoms were improving. After sometime I started feeling much better. I feel very much better as I have no more swollen feet and dry cough. Every other symptom has improved a lot. ECP treatment is excellent. The staffs are very kind, caring, polite and well-spoken towards me. I have no comments to improve the centre. Everything was perfect for me.

Anonymous Cardiac Patient

Before ECP I had watering eyes every morning, shortness of breath. I used to get pain in my chest neck, jaw arm (pins & needles). I used to feel dizziness. I did walk with difficulty uphill, up stairs and at fast pace. After ECP I have no more watering eyes less shortness of breath only first week after ECP. No more dizziness. Walking uphill stairs and fast pace improved. I can now use my hair dryer without difficulty. I have improved skin colour. My heart beat improved. My pulse is more stable. I feel much better in total. The staffs are very persistent in resolving the issues. They are very helpful and friendly.

Anonymous Cardiac Patient

I was referred to do ECP by my doctor. I had an angiogram done by my cardiologist the report indicated that there would be no further vascular treatment e.g. stents or surgery. I then came to Dr Mohanlall for ECP. After starting ECP I was able to walk around the shopping mall and pushed the trolley all the way to the car. I feel more energised and can now walk longer distances. I walked 800m going and 800m coming on the promenade. My appetite has improved slightly. I Do not feel very tired or out of breath also resulted in weight loss especially centimetres, clothes 2 sizes smaller. The staffs are extremely dedicated, caring and courteous concerned about patients welfare. Very helpful and accommodating. Always pleasant and amicable.

Mrs Vanitha Samuel Cardiac Patient

I had high blood pressure (Hypertension). I am diabetic and had high cholesterol. I used to get pain in my right arm and shoulder. After ECP I have no pain on the legs, neck and shoulder. My feet and toes are much relaxed. No more burning sensation on my feet. I am now much more fit. I am able to walk longer distances without tiring. I am able to do household chores with much ease. I am much calmer notably. My anxiety levels have dropped lower. My pressure levels have dropped to normal. The staff are very friendly, reassuring and excellent. Well done and thank you for all the support throughout the treatment. May god bless you in all that you endeavour for the future.

Mr Ahmed Kazi Cardiac Patient

I used to walk a little and get tired feel very lazy to do anything. No feeling under my feet pains all around   my chest shortness of  breath. When I sit I struggle to  wake up. Feel well lots of energy to work feeling in the legs improved memory improved eye sight improved .Feel like I have a new life can walk without getting tired. skin tone improved .Tops very pleasant should  consider  To open on Saturdays.

Soobramoney Kisten Cardiac Patient

I used to get tired easily doing simple things like taking a shower. I had shortness of breath and pains on chest shoulder and arm. I had a stinging or burning sensation on right leg. I am not getting tired as before the treatment my breathing has improved.  The staff are excellent and very supportive. I will recommend ECP to anyone else.

Yusuf Mather

I experienced tiredness, depression, out of breath, aching bones, getting sick frequently. After ECP I can walk long distance without getting tired. I feel good and I have much more energy. The staff Make you feel at home and are most caring and friendly. They go the extra mile to make you comfortable. If possible, the whole world people need to know about this treatment.

A Sewlall Cardiac Patient

I had cardiac problems since January 2014 Breathing was constrained/restricted. Climbing upstairs was quiet stressful. I had 3 x stents in July 2014. During ECP my breathing has improved generally. Stairs and walks are easier to manage.

Zarina Shaik

Before ECP my heart beats were fast. I used to get very tired and got joint aches and headaches. I had  numbness in my fingers. I had leg pains at night. I used to experience sleeplessness and  pain in the chest sometimes. After ECP no more rapid heartbeats. No more tiredness and aches and pains. Beautiful sleeps. None of the above anymore. I feel younger with more energy. The quality of my life now has improved. Staff have excellent. I will recommend ECP.

Soodew Assaram Singh Cardiac Patient

I used to get tired easily doing simple things like taking a shower. I had shortness of breath and pains on chest shoulder and arm. I had a stinging or burning sensation on right leg. I am not getting tired as before the treatment my breathing has improved.  The staff are excellent and very supportive. I will recommend ECP to anyone else.

Anonymous Cardiac Patient

Shortness of breath on mild exertion can’t complete the day need to lie down for 1 hour. Sometimes can’t make it to go work. Mild chest pains occur at random .Referred for bypass 10 years ago but refused. Do not pass urine well have pain in bladder region. Can’t walk 2-3 minutes on treadmill. Have problems with veins on leg and hands. After starting ECP fee much better 100% quality of life .Now I can work a complete day without the need for day nap. Work every day without difficulty. Pass urine well no more pain in bladder region .Now walks fast on treadmill without any problems.

Martin Dumisani Dube

Prior to my ECP I had varying experiences. I had a high pulse rate and discomfort of high proportion in the left side of my chest. I had periodic chest pains in and around the sternum area. I had dizziness and random sweat. I got agitated easily and tired easily when doing anything physical. After ECP the above symptoms have since improved drastically in other instances disappeared. My energy levels improved. I am more relaxed and composed. My palpitations have since disappeared. I feel much stronger with all the discomfort I experienced in the chest area disappearing. My mind seems more alert. In fact my  colleagues and friends have remarked about my sudden change for the better. The staff at the centre are sublime- very professional. They make you feel welcomed. They are friendly and very informative. I will recommend ECP treatment.

Dheeran Heeralall

I have been experiencing chest pains and discomfort when taking deep breaths. My heart rate improved from 53bpm to average 72 bpm. I don’t feel any pains on my chest. I feel much more fit. I can walk long distance without any difficulty. I sleep more comfortably. I have greater energy levels. I don’t run out of breath. The staff at the centre are very pleasant and helpful. They are very accommodating and very professional. I will recommend ECP to anyone else.

Margaret Theresa Vermaak Cardiac Patient

I had visited 3 hospitals to be told I had unstable angina and there was nothing they could do other than give me TNT spray for when I had attacks. I was in such a bad way that I could no longer climb stairs. Then after a particularly severe attack an angiogram was carried out on me which showed no problems. I had a strong heart and arteries according to the angiogram. state did an angiogram. However after this procedure I started to feel even worse and it was very difficult for to even climb two stairs without collapsing. My husband read about ECP and Dr Mohanlall and booked me in much against my will as I felt that as nobody else had been able to help, he wouldn’t and it was also rather expensive. I have suffered from chest pains, shortness of breath, aching legs, swollen ankles, sudden extreme loss of energy and a strange funny feeling in my body. The intensity of the pains had increased. My body also got a warm burning sensation with pains going up in my jaws, back and shoulders. I also had very itchy feet. The pains occurred when asleep and awake. After two weeks of ECP treatment I was filled with so much energy and able to do so much more than I had been for many years. I can now run up the stairs, do housework, go on walks and do not have to spend my days looking out of my bedroom window which I feared was my future . Now my future is filled with the joys of life. I can start to go dancing again. Now I cannot thank my daughter, husband and brother enough who have made it possible for me to go through the ECP programme. The staff are fantastic 10/10. Cannot ask for more caring people. Dr Mohanlall’s knowledge of ECP and the 3DVG test   is incredible!  The Staff’s encouragement is unbelievable. Their support is amazing. You are in good hands when you are here! I will definitely recommend ECP to others.

Sabitha Govender Cardiac Patient

I was experiencing dizzy spells and chest pains four to five times a day. Not a day without pain on chest, back of shoulders and left arm. I had Palpitations about three to four times a day. I had shortness of breath on mild exertion like when I had a shower. I had swelling of joints on hands, ankles and toes. I got very tired walking short distance. While still going for my ECP treatment I could feel a difference. I felt good after years. I walked to the beach climbed 13 stairs without getting exhausted and tired. I could not do these things in the past. Regarding the dizzy spells, it had stopped after ECP and only occurs with palpitations. No other pain with back, shoulder, and left arm. Palpitations are seldom and I can walk 7 km with no chest pains, palpitations or shortness of breath. No shortness of breath in the shower or around smoke. All swelling has subsided. There is a drastic difference from before and after ECP with more energy and close to a normal person. The staff very welcoming and patient. They are positive in any situation and keep to their word. They are heart warming and pleasant. Everything is done with perfection at the centre. I will recommend ECP to whoever has no hope and a terrible heart condition.

Rookmoney Pillay Cardiac Patient

My chest   pains stayed more than 10 years before I had to undergo   a triple heart Bypass surgery in 2002. I started feeling chest pains and shortness of breath soon after surgery. I did my angiogram and bypass in the private sector and returned to the government sector after the bypass was unsuccessful.  Ultrasound test in the government sector showed that I had poor blood flow to all the blood vessels throughout my body and that I was in kidney failure and heart failure. Echo test results showed my heart valves were also damaged and my heart was enlarged. I have been experiencing severe chest pains that move to the left side of my back and run down my left arm. For the past 13 years after surgery my legs were swollen and holding water. My right big toe was very painful, swollen and blue in colour. The under of both my feet were blue and very cold. The specialist state hospital put me on sleeping tablets and tranquilizer as I couldn’t sleep even with three pillows. They put me on Valium for pain and said there is nothing more that can be done. I fell down because of the side effects of the medication and injured myself and also cracked my rib due to the fall. The medication also caused hallucinations that scared me and my family.  I couldn’t walk a few steps and needed to be taken on a wheel chair to see DR Mohanlall. I could not dress or undress myself. After 35 hours of ECP I can now walk normally without any aids or a wheelchair. I can now dress and undress myself. I do not hallucinate any more. My large toe in my right leg is normal in size and no longer blue and painful. Although my leg pains at times there is no more swelling of my legs and retaining of water like before ECP. My legs are now warm and there is no more blue discolouration under both my feet .I can perform my tasks such as cooking without difficulty once again. I do not experience chest pains or shortness of breath for the first time in 27 years.

The staff at the centre kept us going and took all the pain away. I was happy with the staff. It was a home away from home. I would suggest Dr Mohanlall open more ECP centres near people’s homes eg Phoenix.

Mr Osman Cassim Mohideen Cardiac Patient

Before ECP, I got tired very quickly. When walking or climbing stairs I got short of breath had to take a rest. I noticed that my complexion was getting darker and patches on my cheek. I deduced this was due to age.  Having a 3DVG done made me comfortable that the treatment I was to take will benefit me.

After ECP, I feel much better now since I am able to once again walk with ease and climb stairs. My complexion has been restored to my original colour. I had some knee pains and they seem to have disappeared. I feel much more energetic and not tired as before. I lost some weight and hope to maintain this.

The staff are very good and excellent. Keep up the great work. I have recommended ECP to others.

Mr Marimuthu Govender – Hypertensive Patient

I used to feel tired and drowsy at times and my body was a bit itchy, especially my ankles. I suffered from high blood pressure since 1980. I landed in hospital and was on medication to control my blood pressure. I recently started experiencing swelling of my feet around my ankles. I did a 3DVG test and started ECP to reduce my BP and help improve my kidney function.

With ECP, I don’t feel tired anymore. I walk long distances without feeling tired. I feel more energetic and I don’t feel drowsy like I used to. My blood pressure is now under control. No more swelling on my ankles.

The staff are very polite and helpful. Always willing to assist in any way possible. I will recommend ECP to anyone else.

Mr Jagmohandas Pagoo – Cardiac Patient

I was stressed, depressed and had severe chest pains when walking or exercising.My sugar levels were high, my cholesterol and blood pressure was very high and I was on various chronic medications. I always felt sick. I couldn’t walk freely. I couldn’t think and breathe properly.

With ECP My blood circulation has improved. My heart rate and blood pressure came right down. I could walk at ease faster. The pain in the chest went down. I wanted to exercise more and eat much healthier. I learnt a lot of life health skills and eating habits. I cut down on some tablets.

I now feel free. I can think clearly and feel I can now accomplish anything. It’s as if a huge burden has been lifted from my shoulders. I am highly motivated especially physically to continue training and eating healthy. I have plenty of energy and go presently. It is an eye opener.
The staff are excellent, professional and informative. I would recommend ECP to my wife, all my friends and families and everyone else.

Mr Brian Pakkiri – Cardiac Patient

After having experienced a mild heart attack (M1) in 2011, I have been on medication to assist the control of my cholesterol, blood pressure and blood thinning. The symptoms experienced since then have been occasional discomfort, throbbing pain around the left side chest area and both being experienced on exertion but mostly on relaxation. I have also experienced shortness of breath at various intervals averaging once a week. This occurrence has been experienced in the absence of any physical exertion done by myself and being in a relaxed state.

With ECP the occasional chest pains which were previously experienced have stopped. Shortness of breath is no longer experienced. I felt an improvement on my health. The staff at the centre are very efficient and courteous it’s always  been a pleasure to deal with them. I would suggest that to train staff to start up and run ECP sessions in the absence of the doctor as this would accommodate for more time options for treatment. I would recommend ECP treatment to anyone else.

Mr Muhammed – Cardiac Patient

Before ECP, I experienced severe discomfort and heartburn each time I engaged in vigorous physical activity like brisk walking. My doctor referred me to a cardiologist who did an angiogram and found that I had 3 blocked arteries. He suggested that I should undergo a triple bypass operation. I looked for alternative therapies and learnt that many persons with my condition had benefitted from ECP. I decided to give this a try.

From about session 20 of the treatment I noticed a steady improvement in my ability to walk briskly without discomfort. As treatment progressed I was able to walk longer distances at an increased pace. My heart rate also normalised at a quicker time span. After ECP, I feel more energetic with a greater enthusiasm to exercise regularly.

I have found the staff to be professional, competent, warm and friendly. They show a genuine interest in your wellbeing. I felt most comfortable under the care of Dr Mohanlall and his staff. Their display of good cheer is a stark contrast to cold & clinical facilities of aloofness displayed by health facilities elsewhere. I would hope that it would be possible for Dr Mohanlall to publicise the benefits of ECP more widely and that this treatment could be offered by him in other areas so that it could be more available to people. Hence more branches.

Mr Douglas Shandu Cardiac Patient

I Had chest pains. When walking a short distance I felt dyspnoea. I had a lot of coughing and was unable to sleep on right side. I was using 4 pillows use to have heavy body and get tired. During ECP my chest pains became less. I can sleep on right side. After ECP I am now using two pillows. Now body is much easier. No tiredness when walking up.

Mrs N Pillay Cardiac Patient

I had been suffering with a high BP, arthritis, angina, thyroids and acute chest pains. I couldn’t do much. Every day was a struggle with chest pains, 3 TNT’s daily, tiredness and joint pains. Being hypertensive and having a chronic bladder infection and thyroid problems, all the daily medication was having a strain on me. Sleep was the biggest issue. Even sleeping tablets did not work. I had been tired and frustrated daily. For prayer events I could not even walk up hills or stairs. I became breathless.
After only 3 sessions of ECP I had seen many changes in myself. I could walk uphill and climb stairs freely. After completing ECP, my body pain reduced and chest pains reduced drastically. Now even my sleep has improved. I am more comfortable and confident in myself than ever before.
The staff at the centre are very friendly, caring and helpful. They carry out their duties professionally and they are very supportive. I have recommended ECP to many people.

Anonymous Cardiac Patient

I am a diabetic patient. I was suffering with shortness of breath and chest pains and also getting very tired. I went to a provincial hospital in 2012. They did an x-ray and told me that I had an enlarged heart. I was put on medication which didn’t help me much. My condition got worse. I was getting tired, breathless on exertion. I was also getting shoulder and back pain. I read about ECP in the papers long ago and I had the article kept. I phoned and enquired more about it because I was scared to go for an operation as I was informed that I was at a high risk of having a heart attack and also my arteries were blocked.
After ECP I had much improvement with my chest pains. However I am still feeling tired and have very little energy which needs to be investigated. I now eat more healthy and I am stating to exercise more. I would most definitely recommend ECP if I know someone who requires it.


Mr Louis Peens Cardiac Patient

I’m 64 years old and had a stent 4 years ago due to a blocked artery. Over the last year I’ve had chest pains on and off. These pains did not come when I exercised but were there at different times. About 6 months ago while in the USA I had some chest pains and because it was worse that before I went to see a doctor over there. He checked me out and said he couldn’t find any significant problem but recommended that I do a course of EECP. He explained briefly how it worked. Because of the time required I could not do the treatment in the US. Upon my return to South Africa I Googled EECP and to my surprise found that Dr. Mohanlall was in Durban doing the treatment. After a 3D scan and evaluation with Dr. Mohanlall I decided to do the treatment.
The results were fantastic, after 20 treatments I started having much more energy and at the end I was sorry that the treatment was over because it made me feel so good. It is now 5 weeks since completing and I have had no chest pains what so ever.
I have had several people comment on how well I look. I have just been to the USA again and a friend of mine wanted to know what I have done to look so young.
I have already recommended the treatment to 2 of my friends who have heart problems. From my experience in the way it helped me, this is definitely a non invasive solution which is hugely beneficial in preventing heart disease. I hope that more people make use of this technology first, before doing invasive treatments such as stents and by-passes. I definitely would not have had a stent if I was aware of this treatment at the time.

Mr Mohammed Kajee Cardiac Patient

I am a Type 2 Diabetic patient with high cholesterol and blood pressure. I have blocked arteries. I was experiencing breathlessness on exertion and shoulder and back pains. I started ECP to relieve tiredness and breathlessness on exertion and to establish alternate blood supply to my heart. With ECP I had better breathing and gradual improvement to stamina. I feel good and better about myself. I am more aware of the need to have an exercise plan. I am thankful for the life I have and will look after it the best I can. I will recommend ECP to the general public.

Mr Harrirup Rooplal Cardiac Patient

I was experiencing hypertension and nerve related problems. I was getting chest pains, tiredness and shoulder and back pains. After ECP my circulation has improved. I have no pains. No cramps. My headaches have calmed down. The circulation in my legs improved and there is no pain in the calf muscles. My joints are not as painful. I can do chores without being tired. The staff are very helpful and caring and I would recommend ECP.

Mrs Rawawathee Harryparsh Hypertensive/Cardiac Patient

I am a diabetic patient. I was suffering with shortness of breath and chest pains and also getting very tired. I went to a provincial hospital in 2012. They did an x-ray and told me that I had an enlarged heart. I was put on medication which didn’t help me much. My condition got worse. I was getting tired, breathless on exertion. I was also getting shoulder and back pain. I read about ECP in the papers long ago and I had the article kept. I phoned and enquired more about it because I was scared to go for an operation as I was informed that I was at a high risk of having a heart attack and also my arteries were blocked.
After ECP I had much improvement with my chest pains. However I am still feeling tired and have very little energy which needs to be investigated. I now eat more healthy and I am stating to exercise more. I would most definitely recommend ECP if I know someone who requires it.


Mr Rajendra Maharaj Cardiac Patient

I had no medical condition until recently when I encountered an anxiety attack at the gym after swimming 6 laps. I was taken to hospital and the angiogram picked up that I had 3 blocked arteries. I went for ECP as an alternate to the by-pass that I was supposed to have undergone. After ECP I feel much better. I am also on medication as prescribed by the cardiologist. This treatment has helped with me strengthening my belief in the Supreme Being, that is, by providing an alternate to the bypass. Keep up the good work. I have passed the word around about ECP.

Mr Dheenadayalan Ganesh Pillay Hypertensive/Cardiac Patient

I had done the 3Dimensional Vasculography testing as a preventative measure. The results were very poor. My BP was very high. After ECP treatment, my  BP was lower. I can now exercise more. I eat more sensibly and drink socially – no binges. The staff are courteous, passionate and caring. I have recommended ECP.

Mrs Kalawathie Roopen Cardiac Patient

I started having heart problems about a year ago. I was on medication and taking TNT’s. I had water in my lungs and my kidney was functioning at 50%. I was using 3 pillows to sleep. I was experiencing chest pains, tiredness. I got breathless on exertion and was having shoulder and back pain. Since ECP treatment I had no chest pains and I had not taken TNT’s. After ECP I can exercise more. My energy levels have improved and my appetite has improved. The staff were excellent and very friendly. I would recommend ECP to people.

Mr Ismail Mohammed Hansa Cardiac Patient

I had bypass surgery done 18 years ago. At my last angiogram, I was told that I couldn’t be operated on again. I went in for a second bypass but it couldn’t be done. I was experiencing chest pains and tiredness and was on TNT’s. My cardiologist suggested that I go for ECP. I started ECP in June. After ECP I am still feeling good. I have no more tiredness and shortness of breath. I have resumed my gym training program. I am more energetic and I now do swimming every day. I am not on TNT’s. I now feel more healthy. My health feels excellent. The staff at the centre are 5 star and I highly recommend ECP. I have already recommended many patients.

Mrs M Govender Cardiac Patient

I was suffering from chest pains, tiredness, shoulder and back pain. After ECP there has been some improvement in my chest pains. My energy levels have improved. I will recommend ECP to people.

Mrs F Osman Cardiac Patient

I had been experiencing chest pains for the past 15 years. The pain was on the left side of my chest and moved to my back and ran down my left arm. This mostly happened when I was stressed or on exertion. I have been treated for years by different cardiologists who did stress ECG’s and echo’s for me and advised me that I was fine. I did 3Dimensional Vasculography and found moderate reduction in blood flow in 3 arteries which occurred only on exertion or stress. I decided to undergo ECP because of its success with other patients and also because it is non-invasive and does not affect my business and daily life.

My BP when I started was 171/91 and after ECP it is around 141/75. I do not feel pain on exertion any longer and can complete a full day’s work. I feel much better now. The staff are excellent. The centre is excellent. I advise others to consider this and only wish I had done this 15 years ago.

Mr R Singh Cardiac Patient

I started ECP because I had 4 blockages and required open heart surgery. I had good results from ECP and was able to walk without any tiredness after a few ECP treatments. I did not need any bypass as the doctors suggested before ECP treatment. I think that ECP should be advertised more so the public will know about it and I would recommend ECP to people.

Mrs R Mohamed Prophylactic Patient

I began ECP in June 2012 as a preventative measure and for my general health improvement. I was totally as ease with Dr Mohanlall and his assistant. The Dr took time to explain the procedure and technicalities. It felt as if I was at a day spa rather than a medical facility. Thank you. May you be rewarded and guided by the Creator.

The staff are friendly, knowledgeable and accommodating. Very humane, caring personal. They are humble human beings.  Dr Mohanlall is a modest, humble and caring person. My reason for doing ECP was as a preventative procedure. However, I was having palpitations which have eased since I did ECP. My skin tone has evened out. My face looks bright and healthy. My BP was on average 100/60. After ECP, I’m close to textbook perfect BP of 120/80. I would recommend ECP to others.

Mr R Mohamed Cardiac Patient

I am a post by-pass patient ( August 2003). I was experiencing tiredness. A 3 Dimensional Vasculography test showed I had severe myocardial burden and vascular resistance. I therefore started ECP. The treatment was easy and pleasant to handle and very relaxing. I was guided by Dr Mohanlall with a lot of technical information. In short I had total satisfaction with ECP. The staff are professional, well informed, pleasant and friendly. ECP has improved my health and lifestyle. I seem to have more energy. I don’t feel tired anymore. A follow-up 3D Vasculography test indicated a decrease in myocardial burden. Vascular resistance improved but I may need extra sessions for 100% improvement. Many members in my family have had bypass surgery and I would recommend ECP treatment.

Mr M I Dawood Cardiac Patient

I began ECP as I had cardiac problems. I had extreme pains one and a half years after triple bypass. The treatment was very pleasant, relaxing and rejuvenating. The staff are always professional,  courteous and always accommodating. After ECP my  pains which were extreme and constant has reduced greatly, about 75%. My energy level has increased tremendously and at the moment I can do 10 to 15  minutes brisk walk on the treadmill.

Mr T Isaac Cardiac Patient

I started ECP as I was experiencing breathlessness and had cardiac problems. According to my cardiologist I required stents and/or bypass surgery. With ECP my breathing became easier. My walking became easier. The staff are friendly with excellent interpersonal relationship.

Mr M Bodasing Cardiac Patient

I started ECP treatment in May 2012 because of cardiac problems. During the treatment I felt relaxed. I could sleep in spite of the noise made by the machine. The staff at the centre is good and very helpful. After ECP I feel more relaxed. It improved my sleeping and tiredness. It has also improved my walking.

Mrs M D Rajcoomar Cardiac Patient

“I started having cardiac problems in 1971. I had surgery done at Wentworth Hospital in 1971. The surgery was successful but in 2008 I started experiencing cardiac problems again. I was referred by a relative to do ECP. I found that my health improved quite a bit all round.

Mr B Amod Cardiac Patient

“I was having problems with my heart and breathing. I did go to various doctors and hospitals and was waiting for surgery. I was then recommended to see Dr Mohanlall. I have noticed a definite improvement in my health with every treatment. I also realised the great importance of exercise and how it affects our life. I slowly lost weight. The treatment greatly helped me to improve my life for better living. I am pain-free and breathe easy. Overall, I feel very much lighter with more energy and wishing to live life to the fullest. My movements are easier. I have also changed my lifestyle and eating habits. I was at home with all of the staff. They were ever ready to assist and I felt as one of them. My special thanks to them all for loving and caring for me, as well as genuine concern for my wellbeing. My heartfull gratitude and appreciation. I have already recommended many people for this treatment.”

Mr A Govender Hypertensive Patient

“I started ECP because I have high blood pressure and also as a preventative measure. From the information I have read up, it also improves circulation and being at the age 56, I made the decision to treat myself for a better quality of life. My hypertension certainly benefitted from this treatment. I noticed that I lost 4kg of weight without a lifestyle or diet change. My appetite is better and I have been eating bigger meals. I have certainly got more energetic and full of energy. I have also noticed that black patches under my eye have improved. The staffs are professional, friendly and helpful. Dr Mohanlall also shared his own experiences with me, which showed that he goes beyond just the call to treatment and cares about your holistic health. He has inspired me in a way to look at life differently. I will always recommend this treatment to anyone.”

Mr W Kittel Cardiac Patient

I decided to start ECP because I had cardiac problems even after my bypass surgery. Once I became used to the treatment, it became a good relaxing rest period every day. Before treatment, I was hardly able to do any physical activity. I am now walking up to 5km a day with hardly or no effort. I would recommend this treatment to anyone who has had any cardiac or circulatory problems. I have told numerous people about ECP and have advised them to contact the centre.”

Mr K Naidoo Diabetic Patient

“I decided to undergo ECP treatment to help my diabetes and improve my circulation. My blood sugar dropped by four points and I lost 4kg of weight. A discolouration on my ankle cleared up during the treatment. I feel a lot more fit and less tired.  The staff were pleasant and efficient. I have already recommended this treatment to others.”

Mr W Seonandan Cardiac Patient

“I started ECP as I was struggling to breathe even though I had gone for a bypass recently. I found it difficult to walk long distances and exercise. I also could not drive without experiencing chest pain. ECP helped me to feel more energetic as I used to feel drained previously. I can now drive and walk without having any chest pain or shortness of breath. I do not get body pains anymore. I found the treatment to be a nice experience. The staff were very good, hospitable and helpful. I would recommend ECP to anyone I meet in the future.”

Mr Nadarajan Pillay Cardiac Patient

“My problems were cardiac related. I went for a bypass 15 years ago and I had a stent inserted in September 2011. I also had an aorto bifemoral bypass in 2010. The treatment was a good exercise. I have been told by family members that I look better. The staff are very nice. I would definitely recommend this treatment to many others.”

Mr Sathiprem Naidoo Cardiac Patient

“I underwent ECP treatment as I am a cardiac patient and suffer with swelling and pain in my left ankle. I noticed clearing up of blood clots in my left foot and also reduction of swelling on the left ankle, due to possible better circulation in the foot. Except for one occasion of tightness in my chest, I had no problems with chest pain or pain in my left hand experienced during the six weeks of treatment. I am not as tired during the day as I used to be and attribute this to ECP treatment. I am able to walk for longer distances without being tired except for discomfort with the left ankle. ECP treatment has certainly changed my eating pattern. The staff are willing and helpful. They are professional. Dr Mohanlall needs to be commended for his most pleasant manner and for his passion and knowledge in the field. I would recommend this treatment to others.

Mrs Manthi Latchman Cardiac Patient

“I had cardiac problems and chest pain. I now do not have any chest pains and have much more energy during the day. I enjoyed all the sessions of ECP. The staff were very helpful and kind. I will recommend this treatment to my family and friends.”

Mr Rajballi Latchman, Cardiac Patient

“I have angina, had two angiograms at St Augustine’s Hospital and one stent. The surgeon stated that one artery was still blocked and could not be cleared. I suffered severe chest pains when I climbed up stairs and when I did strenuous work. I found ECP treatment to be very comfortable. I had no pains when the treatment was administered. I did not mind coming to the centre every day for seven weeks. I experienced improvement from week one of treatment. I do not get angina pains when I climb up stairs and when I do strenuous work. I have done away with TNT which I used almost daily. The staff at the centre were accommodating and genial. It was as if I knew them for ages. I have recommended people for this treatment.

Mr Y Kader Cardiac Patient

“I underwent ECP treatment because I have cardiac problems. I used to get chest pains when I exerted myself and at night. I used to feel tired during the day and often needed a nap. I found ECP treatment to be very relaxing. I feel more energised. I don’t tire easily anymore and I am able to walk long distances without having to stop and rest. I do not experience chest pains as frequently. My appetite has also improved. The staff are excellent. I have recommended this treatment to a family member.

Mrs J Naicker Cardiac Patient

“I underwent ECP as I am a cardiac patient. I used to have chest pains and take up to 8 TNT’s a day. I couldn’t walk small distances and carry out basic chores. I used to be breathless with chest pains after taking a bath. I couldn’t sleep well at night and I couldn’t climb the stairs without getting chest pains and taking TNT. After 20 days of ECP I could walk longer distances without severe chest pains or the need to rely on TNT. The pains have eased off and I seldom need to take TNT after performing strenuous work. ECP has given me relief from my pain and suffering and allows me to sleep well at night. I am very happy and pleased about this treatment especially because I am not a patient that is suitable for bypass and I have found an alternative treatment to give me relief of my pains without having to go for any invasive procedures. ECP has improved my health and lifestyle as I feel better and more energetic. I can now go for long walks. The staff were excellent, always helpful, very polite and kind. I have recommended ECP to my husband and he will be attending treatment next year. I have recommended this treatment to the members of my church.”

Mr Jose Delgardo Prophylactic Patient

“I underwent ECP treatment as a preventative measure. I felt a difference and more energised. At all times during the treatment I have been professionally attended to. Coupled with the professionalism is a friendly and caring attitude by all staff at SAECP. I will be referring patients for this treatment.”

Mr Ismail Adamjee Cardiac Patient

“I was referred by my friend Riaz as I am a diabetic experiencing peripheral neuropathy in both feet. I also wanted to wean myself off insulin as I felt that my insulin was not helping me. I had a pleasant experience that helped my body to heal itself and provide me with a more energised and positive outlook to my health. I lost 3kg of weight and cut down my insulin intakes from 45 units daily to 5 units daily. The staff were kind, caring and knowledgeable. I have advised a few people regarding the treatment.”

Mr R Rambaran Cardiac Patient

“I had my first heart attack in 2011 and was admitted to Mcords Hospital and from there to a cardiologist in Entabeni hospital. I was asked to go for an angiogram to insert stents or for bypass surgery if that failed. I was suffering from angina pains on a daily basis. My pain started in my chest and went around the left side of my chest, on my left shoulder and on my neck. I used to take 5 TNT’s everyday to get relief. I could not afford the R78 000 required for a deposit for the angio or the R220 000 for a possible bypass. I heard about ECP and immediately made an appointment. I had an attack again just before entering the ECP centre at Umhlanga Rocks. The ECP team took me inside and stabilized me. I have been for 25 treatments thus far. I feel great. I work with ease and without pain. I do not take TNT’s anymore. I used to have trouble sleeping and needed 3 pillows in order to fall asleep only for a short while. I now use one pillow and sleep like a baby. This has been a life-saving treatment for me and I would be glad to share my experience with other people in the same situation that I was in.”

Mr Y. Khan Prophylactic Patient

“As a voluntary patient, with no apparent illness, I feel a need to give my health the best opportunity to maintain itself as I get older. After 2 weeks of therapy, I feel energised and my enthusiasm and general outlook has definitely improved due to me not feeling fatigue
Four months after completion of treatment “I am still feeling good. I visit the gym five times a week as I am full of energy, and thus burn more calories. As a result I have lost a significant amount of excess weight. The skin tone on my face and hands have also improved.”

Mr Ronald Rampersad Cardiac Patient

“I went for ECP treatment as I experienced cardiac problems. I felt much better and had more energy during the treatment. My sugar levels are now controlled and feel full of energy. The staff were excellent. I have recommended this treatment to my family.”

Mr Pahalad Madarjith Prophylactic Patient

“I used to experience difficulty in breathing when climbing stairs and I couldn’t walk for too long without tiring. Approximately after the first 20 treatments I noticed improvement in breathing while walking for long distances and felt better and easier when climbing stairs. The staff were efficient and pleasant. I recommended this treatment to a friend who had breathing difficulties and a family member who had a heart bypass.”

Mr B Amod Cardiac Patient

I attended ECP treatment as I underwent a bypass operation and my blood pressure was unstable. After my first treatment, a persistent lower back pain vanished. Subsequently, after further treatment I feel more energised, sleep better and feel alive. My overall health has also improved. The staff was very accommodating, friendly, co-operative and professional. I will recommend this treatment to my brother. One month after completion of treatment “I am still feeling very good after completing treatment.”

Mr Loganathan Naidoo

“I was referred by a colleague for the treatment. The treatment was absolutely great. It is not invasive, no pain or side effects. I had a positive reaction. Weight loss was noted and hypertension stabilised. I am feeling good. The staff were brilliant and very friendly, helpful and obliging. Dr Mohanlall is an absolute gem in our society and is a great ambassador in our country. He is making a true difference in our society and a true health practitioner. I would recommend this treatment to medical aid societies and a colleague.

Mrs M.S. Naidoo Anaemic and Hypotensive

“Previously, I suffered from low blood pressure and anaemia. I felt drained and tired all the time. Initially, I was a bit afraid to start treatment but after my first session, I was relaxed and ready for my next 34. After my first week, my blood pressure was normal and I felt more energetic and glad that I had started this therapy. The staff was excellent and polite and always made sure I was comfortable and felt right at home. I have recommended this treatment to a friend.”

Mr T. Ramnarain Cardiac Patient

“I suffered a heart attack in 2003 and I had a bypass in 2005. I still had chest pain for which I had to take 2 TNT’s per day. I used to become breathless when I walked or exerted myself. During the treatment, my chest pains disappeared and I didn’t have to take any TNT’s. I did not become breathless during my activities and I can now walk for longer distances and at a faster pace without getting tired. I can also walk up the stairs quicker. I felt much relief. The staff were helpful and friendly. I have recommended this treatment to other people.”

Miss S. Singh Cardiac Patient

“Before the treatment, I could not walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath. When I was having a bath, I used to have tightness around my chest area leading to my neck. Now, after the ECP treatment, I don’t have any of the pains. I feel full of energy, my pressure is under control and my heart rate is normal.”

Mr A Hurbans Cardiac Patient

“ECP treatment has definitely made a difference in my life. Previously, I could not walk in the mall without stopping to take TNT for my chest pain and catching my breath. Ever since I started ECP, I am able to walk for longer distances without chest pain or fatigue. I sleep better at night as well, without getting short of breath when lying flat. I feel more energetic and I can do more than I used to in a 24 hour day. I feel healthier and refreshed. I will definitely recommend this treatment to others.”

Mrs Pranitha Raghunathlal Hypertensive

“I went for ECP treatment as a preventative measure and because I suffered from high blood pressure. I was amazed by the results after a few treatments. Mt blood pressure became more controlled. Before treatment, I was on medication and I stopped taking medication after treatment. I feel more energised and I do not become out of breath easily. I feel and look youthful. I am 48 years old but feel like a 38 year old. The staff was friendly, professional and helpful. I have recommended this treatment to others.”

Mr B Amod Cardiac Patient

“I went for ECP treatment as I was experiencing chest pains.I am happy with the treatment. It’s too good. I am now feeling much better. I experience chest and back pain less than before. My breathing has improved and I can now walk normally. The staff were helpful and I am happy with them. I advise patients that they would not be making a mistake coming for the treatment. I am now feeling very well.

Mr N Naidoo Prophylactic Patient

“I underwent ECP treatment for cardiac problems and as a preventative measure. During the treatment, I was comfortable and experienced no pains. I am now more active as I have less pain. I would recommend this treatment to others.”

Mrs. Y. Naicker Prophylactic Patient

“I went for ECP treatment as a preventative measure. During the treatment, my energy levels were increased and I slept better. The staff were excellent. They were caring and friendly. I would recommend this treatment to others.

Mr. K G Naicker Diabetic Patient

“I underwent ECP treatment as a preventative measure. The staff were excellent and friendly. My sugar levels were low during treatment. I would recommend this treatment to others.”

Mrs Silvadevi Sewnarain Prophylactic Patient

“I was referred by a friend and attended ECP treatment as a preventative measure and to improve circulation. The staff were excellent. The ECP treatment was good. I have more energy and am able to move faster. I feel very fit.  The staff were excellent. I will refer this treatment to my family and friends.”

Mr Heyanlall Sewnarain Hypertensive patient

“I went for the treatment for blood circulation and as a preventative measure. I was referred by a friend. The treatment was very relaxing and good. My energy levels have increased and I can now walk long distances. The staff were excellent, polite and very helpful. I would recommend ECP treatment to all my associates and friends.”

Mr S Singh Cardiac patient

I am a cardiac patient who had bypass surgery in 1993 and had seven stents put to date. I used to have low energy levels, feel very tired before the day is out. If I exerted myself, I used to get pains around my heart area. Ever since I started ECP, I noticed improvements from the first treatment onwards and by the 10th treatment, all the pains around my heart area were no more. My energy levels improved and I feel very well. The staff were very professional, warm and friendly. I feel like a youngster! I have recommended this treatment to others”.

Mr A Maistry Cardiac Patient

“I have been suffering from angina for the past 10 years, and have been on the waiting list for an angiogram for the past two years. I had three minor heart attacks so far and I survived by taking TNT tablets. After about 15 sessions of ECP, I felt so much better. I can walk faster and longer distances without getting very tired. I don’t have to take TNT tablets any longer. My advice to people suffering from heart problems, please do not look at the cost but look at your health first. It is a safe treatment.”

Mr M. S Chetty Cardiac Patient

“I went for ECP treatment because of my cardiac related problems. During the treatment, I felt significantly better. I am more alert and have more energy. The treatment also assisted in the reduction of my blood pressure levels. The staff was efficient, kind and informative. I have recommended this treatment to my brother.”

Mr L. Bepath Cardiac patient

“I have completed my ECP treatment i.e. 35 x 1 hour. I feel more energetic, no more chest pain. I can now breathe at ease, walk long distances without getting tired and there’s no more sweating at night. I now can have a good sleep at night. To Dr. Mohanlall, thank you for bringing this new technology to South Africa so that people with heart problems can take advantage and live a better life.”

Mr Rampersadh – Cardiac Patient

”I had a bypass done in 1992. My chest pains never went away and I became worse. I used to get tired walking a very short distance and had mild attacks regularly. I used to take 2 to 3 TNT’s at a time to get relief. The doctors that were treating me at the hospital told me that there was nothing more they could do for me. After seven weeks of ECP treatment, I now walk longer distances without getting tired, my health has improved and my medications have been reduced drastically. My sugar levels and blood pressure is now normal. My chest pains have subsided and I can climb a flight of stairs. This new treatment has given me a new lease on my life”.

Mr V.P Naicker Hypertensive Patient

“When I started Counterpulsation therapy with Dr Mohanlall, I was hypertensive, my blood pressure was 202/119 and my heart rate was 118. After and during the sessions my heart rate dropped to around 78 to 83 and my blood pressure was 140/80. A month after the treatment and performing the exercises recommended by Dr Mohanlall, my blood pressure was 142/88 and my heart rate was 80. I feel great.”

Mr S.V Naidoo Diabetic Patient

“Prior treatment, there was always tiredness. As a diabetic patient, my sugar levels were always high. The ECP treatment has made me more alert and more energetic. My sugar level is now well within control. My insulin intake is now reduced. I just feel healthier.”

Mr G. Moodley Cardiac Patient

“My house is below road level, and prior to ECP treatment, I could not walk up the 25 stairs to reach the post box without stopping to rest for a while and then going back down the stairs into my house. My sugar levels were high, usually between 14 and 16. I was always tired and felt sleepy. After the ECP treatment, I can walk up the stairs continuously, without stopping to rest at any time. I walk to and from the shopping centre close to my house, whereas I could not before. I have a good appetite. My sugar level is now controlled and does not go over 10. I am now able to go out and enjoy doing more activities, like going to the movies.”

Soundravalli Moodley Renal Patient

I had very low functioning kidneys and completed a fistula. I get tired easily and have a heavy chest. I get lower back pains and bruise easily. After ECP I am going to the toilet more often. I have improvement in my skin colour have more energy than usual. I just feel overall positivity. I have a lighter chest and am able to breathe with ease. The positive attitude of the staff contributes to the improvement in patients well being. Great staff with good personality. They were caring, concerned and interacted in ways to make the patient feel welcome and important. I wish the centre was bigger and had more beds so that it can cater for the needs of all of the community. I will recommend ECP to friends and family.